Create a Mosaic Online
Mosaics are a great creative medium for kids. An easy art form to grasp and one that’s been around for thousands of years. They can make for a very considered activity involving counting and planning – suitable for a range of learning activities. Create a Mosaic Online The Mosaic Maker is a free web based […]
Explorable Maps to Spark Classroom Discussion
Maps! Venerable stalwarts! The following is a selection of interactive maps to spark discussion in the KS2 classroom. They range from conservation and sustainability to flight traffic, space junk and food dishes from around the world! They highlight the utility and creativity of interactive maps and although weren’t made specifically for children, provide great examples […]
Classroom Tools Browser Extension
Firefox Add-on – Classroom Tools Recent changes to Google’s Chrome browser extension requirements mean that we have had to remove the Chrome version of this addon. Please bear with us while we work to get it back up! Sorry for any inconvenience. We recommend the Firefox browser. Classroom Tools is a plugin for your browser […]
Advanced Google Search for Teachers
What makes a good web search? Simple – one that saves you time and provides you with the results you’re looking for. But finding good quality teaching resources often means multiple search attempts and sifting through an ocean of sites to reach that one useful pearl. Whilst Google is pretty good at its job, to […]
Key Stage 2 Word Bank Generator
The Key Stage 2 Word Bank Generator can be used as a whiteboard tool or for generating printable worksheets. It’s topics include the Romans, Tudors and Vikings, Animals, Insects, Geography, Science, Creative Writing, English, Maths and more. It’s easy to use and allows you to produce a wide variety of word banks in seconds. Lists […]