Classroom Tools Browser Extension
Classroom Tools is a free plugin that helps you focus attention spans in the classroom. It builds upon the basic masking features of some whiteboard software and was built to allow you more creativity in how you present web pages in your teaching and tutoring. Click the following button to visit the Firefox browser store. Regretfully we’ve had to remove the Chrome store extension until we can redevelop it under Google’s new criteria. read more here..
Word list generator (KS2)
Generate printable wordlist sheets on numerous topics from the Romans and Vikings to Animals, Insects, Countries, Geography, Sciences, Story Writing and more! This random word generator allows you to quickly generate lists which you can edit and then print if required. The best way of learning about the tool is to follow the link and have a play! We’ll be adding more words and topics over time.
Mosaic and Tessellation Tool
We’ve built an online mosaic and tessellation designer over at Learning Playground. Simple to use and suitable for KS1 and KS2 year groups. Great when studying Romans, Maths, Art and Design or for after school clubs. A free web based tool to express your creativity! Learn more about the mosaic tool or jump straight to the activity: